Roasted Carrot Soup with Ginger (Vegan)

Guys, I have to tell you a secret – I’m obsessed with ginger. I put it in a good percentage of my soups, especially this Roasted Carrot Soup. Every night, I boil water and pour the water over a hunk of ginger that I’ve peeled and cut in half. I would eat it in any…

White Wine Israeli Couscous with Spinach and Mushrooms

Looking for a quick and easy side dish to add to your holiday spread?! I have the perfect thing – Israeli couscous cooked in wine. Satisfying, sophisticated and sexy. This dish is so simple…sauteed shallots, garlic, mushrooms and spinach deglazed with white wine, mixed into a heaping pile of delicious, brilliant Israeli couscous. Hellllloooo. Israeli…